Are you ready to feel better?

William B. Ferril, M.D. earned a Bachelor of Science degree in biochemistry and a doctorate in medicine at UC Davis, California. He completed his post-graduate education at Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, Washington in 1986. For most of the past 38 years, he has practiced on the Flathead Indian Reservation in western Montana. It was there that Dr. Ferril gleaned experience for the topics in his books and recognized the benefit of holistic medicine. He shares his holistic approach to care in the following four books he authored: The Body Heals, Glandular Failure-Caused Obesity, Healing Has One Side Effect, and most recently, The Unseen Hand.
Since childhood, Dr Ferril has remained fascinated with answering the mystery of why some people age gracefully while others do not. Over his career, he has lectured hundreds of doctors on the biochemistry of steroids, interpreted thousands of food allergy tests and helped thousands of patients recover from chronic illness with his science based treatment plans.
Dr. Ferril strives to address the underlying causes of health care issues and not just the symptoms. He remains loyal to prevention as he and his patients address not only how to get well from their health issues, but how to stay well while minimizing drugs and harmful procedures. Dr. Ferril treats each patient as an individual person.
Midway into his medical career, Dr. Ferril invested five years to study forgotten truths about how the body heals. Over the past 19 years in his practice, Dr. Ferril has put this knowledge to use and has enjoyed watching his patients' health improve using these complementary methods of holistic medicine.