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Anabolic Resistance

Anabolic resistance describes the reduced stimulation of muscle protein synthesis after eating protein and contributes to declines in skeletal muscle mass. A google search for the most anabolic hormone leads to insulin popping up! This is truly absurd if you have studied any of my books, I deliver the case for why only a few powerful hormones provide you with true anabolism! How could it be otherwise once you connect the fact that desirable anabolism largely distills down to adequate protein synthesis. Until, a very select group of hormones activates your genes, your screwed!

One true bedrock of realizing sufficient anabolism; the natural regeneration message content within your body is delivered by a few specific bio-identical hormones because only they ‘talk to your genes’. Only with this select few sufficient hormones talking to your genes throughout your body will they activate to regenerate (replace) proteins as they wear out. Also, only this process occurring smoothly allows for you to enjoy sufficient protein. Proteins provide for the metabolically active constituent of your cells, increase your cell voltage, provide a non-hunched structure, reverse sagging body parts and help with holding onto your body water. This article concerns you beginning to understand whether you suffer from wasting disease induced hungry cell syndrome. Hungry cells are weak, deteriorate and thus cause you to age. One of the primary symptoms of this process occurring inside of you is fatigue. Outwardly, you begin to look like you feel, with progressive hunching, crunching, sagging and bagging.

Hormone message content always concerns their directing where your cells spend their energy. In general, your body’s energy moves into three basic areas; fuel storage (mostly fat), repair, and fuel consumption. Important healing point; if you are middle-aged and beyond, you may suffer from too much storage (fat) and not enough repairs, because you remain imbalanced from the lack of enjoying a few specific hormones.

This probably, at first, sounds too complicated for you to understand but fortunately, only a few of your body hormones centrally determine which of your genes turn off and on in your 70 trillion cells. In turn, gene activity determines which proteins are made and nothing else. The quality and proportions of your cells’ proteins centrally determines much about their productive capacity and their structural integrity. As a consequence, in order for you to enjoy youthful cells you must always have the right genes turned off and on! Frightening to me, involves the very real fact that few of my colleagues appreciate this true bedrock primacy: Your genes provide you with absolutely nothing until the right hormone arrives to ‘talk’ to it!

Your old age experience begins to occur when the wrong or deficient hormones secrete. The wrong or deficient hormones secreting instructs the wrong genes to activate or silence. This in turn leads to the wrong and/or less protein manufacture. Less protein means less life activity within your afflicted cells. Weakened cells perform in you less avidly and become more susceptible to free radical damage. Weakened cells burn fewer calories. 

If you suffer from this process, it can be summarized as a wasting disease (hungry cell syndrome). However, although less commonly appreciated I have discovered that it involves the fact that both those of us with an emaciated body and the obese body suffer from the loss of body protein (a vicious wasting process). The former is obvious but the later hides its assault on the active component of your body tissue, protein, amongst your expanding fat. Importantly, wasting diseases manifest inside you with increasing fatigue (hungry cell syndrome). It also explains a major reason for your progressive hunching, crunching, sagging and bagging!

Hungry cell syndrome promoted by insulin resistance

This last fact explains why if you are overweight you often ruin your metabolism by attempting to diet without first assessing where your glandular secretions (hormones) fail you. It is only your few hormones secreting glands’ responsibility to provide sufficient and specific bio-identical hormones. This process, in general, begins to fail you at the onset of middle age. However, only with a realignment of these important secretions will there again occur in you an appropriate message to defend and rebuild your body protein levels. Importantly, rising levels of specific hormones allows you to become younger next year.

Back to the absurd Google results regarding their query response (algorithm for medical questions) being insulin as the most anabolic hormone in your body! Well, once you fully appreciate the missing evidence from evidence-based medicine, you will realize that insulin is mostly powerfully anabolic for how fat you become! You see, ‘the unseen hand’ can only pull this off, again and again, by creating search engines that largely skip over science that remains ’inconvenient’. In my other books and articles, I delve deeply into the truth of this fact. Here, I also explore the specifics of the few gene talking hormones, coaxing your genes into the manufacture of new body proteins (the functional, structural backbone and calorie burning component of your body).

Unfortunately, shriveling cells, ruined metabolism and increasing fatigue often accurately describe your middle-aged and beyond life experience. Fortunately, science exists to retard and even reverse your aging process. For this reason, I begin my relationship with new patients by assessing the extent of their hormone imbalance. Important glands secrete these primary life-giving hormones. Only after improving the quality of presence of the missing bio-identical glandular secretions, will the loss of defense of your body water, subdued cell voltage and lost protein retreat from its relentless assault on your middle-aged body. It is important to emphasize that since this vicious process begins with your loss of specific bio-identical hormones it is these same hormones that I endeavor to replace. Optimal response for regeneration is enhanced with the addition of sound nutrient supplementation, committing to minerally blessed foods while avoiding reversed mineral foods, healthy lifestyle and continued life purpose. I never tire of watching my motivated patients become younger next year.


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