William Ferril, M.D.
Copyright 2019
The Information age has its benefits. The quality of this exponentially growing amount of information creates the downside. You may often find yourself in the unenviable position of deciding which information source you believe. Often, even deciding this much is wrought with vacillations; swinging wildly, depending on your mood, resolve, influences, belief systems and education level.
This brings up education level. Both sides of the quagmire of misinformation exist. Commonly, you can ferret out emotionally driven arguments, side handed sales techniques and if it sounds too good to be true it probably is, articles. Often, their common underbelly of misinformation is ferreted out by asking what is the degree of education achieved before these ‘sound bites’ launched onto your computer screen. This much of the information overload coming your way, you probably long ago became suspicious about.
Similarly, multilevel marketing companies come and go. On the way up they capitalize on selling you what you want to hear. Subconsciously, their ploys appeal to the passive part of your human nature. Armed with two seemingly effective choices, the one that most likely will initially appeal to you is the passive one, not the one that proves there is work involved in your becoming well again!
Because of human nature, the ‘Unseen hand’ hasn’t much to worry about in regards to my being able to influence only intelligent humans. You see, the vast majority of my fellow mortals, insist on a passive role that frees them from actively pursuing ways out of their health dilemma. Unfortunately, the truth is that almost always the passive role is littered with medication and procedural side effects and toxicities. Eventually, you realize that the ‘polypill’ approach to treating your disease(s) symptoms contains diminished outcomes. Eventually, you begin to look like you feel with increasing evidence of hunching, crunching, sagging and bagging!
But all along, until the very end, a way out exists, but it centrally involves work on your part. Too my ongoing dismay, I can often only help you if you realize this truth and apply what I tell you for a short while, until you experience the truth of what science revealed about your health problems. You see, after a short while of your approaching 100% compliance for implementing what I tell you your test results instructed, you become empowered. You become empowered because you begin to see for yourself that these steps you are taking offer the benefits I promised!
Now what gives on the other side of the information age spectrum; the ultra-educated and prestigious medical community? Unfortunately, the ‘Unseen Hand’ has infiltrated the ranks of the academic community, one sentence at a time in multiple upwardly mobile textbook writers that simply desire more notoriety. Alternatively, research funding sources, increasingly are tied to commercial interest. Logically, funding for research that eventually empowers you to become well, instead of your symptoms being managed through what is for sale, takes a distant back seat.
Almost 25 years ago, I walked away from mainstream medicine! No, I wasn’t in trouble. Yes, I graduated from a mainstream medical school and completed my postgraduate training back in 1986. You see, back then, I became convinced that my mainstream medical education informed me only about part of what science knows! Often times, half the truth is plainly discussed, while the other half collects dust! I would have never been on to them, unless I had the over 5-year sabbatical time, where I simply studied the textbooks and articles mentioned in many of my bibliographies (see books). I now enjoy over 19 years of applying what I learned during this study period. In fact, many a fine patient has provided additional insight because although some scientific papers are intellectually appealing my real-life patients in some instances provide ongoing evidence for not believing everything you read in print!
This brings up the beauty of attempting to treat your illness in a complimentary manner. Complimentary medicine tries its best to avoid conflict between your well-meaning specialist and my anti-inflammatory diet/bio-identical hormone approaches to many middle-aged associated diseases. Simply defer judgement or if you are tenaciously intellectual, complete your homework reading assignments assigned by me, supporting the tenants from well credential-led other lonely medical doctors writing about these same healing possibilities.
As you gain traction over your disease symptoms, your local doctor can oversee the reduction of your symptom control dosage requirements. In these cases, your efforts, my efforts and your local doctors’ efforts pay you the highest reward possible-wellness!
In the more perfect world, my books and articles are also for reading by your local doctor. Perhaps, when your local doctor realizes that all of us just want you to enjoy the best outcome possible, a ‘toe hold’ of wait and see opens up for us to work together!
Good luck!