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Comfort Eating

Eating is pleasurable. Alcoholic beverages provide relaxation. Tobacco is addictive. Alcohol is addictive. Sometimes food is addictive. I suffered here as well. I was a ‘foodie’.

The common denominator of leaving addictive behavior behind you is to one day see it for what it is; a trap. A life robbing trap that only I can extract myself out of. It is nobody else’s fault. Only I can make the change towards health again. I look back on this challenge now with gratitude. The common thing about the day of life-changing habits initially involves surrender. Surrender to a higher ‘Power’. This is why AA and Over Eaters Anonymous prove so successful. The first things they teach are about surrender and staying present in the moment of not succumbing to reignite the addiction.

Food habits becoming an addictive pattern gain even more traction by removing key nutrients only found in real food, adding addictive chemicals to the food, adding neurotransmitter disrupting agents, residue hormones within the food, preservatives within the food, micro-plastics common in processed food and allowing GMO’s in the food supply.

Important healing point; cultivate visual images of what is really happening inside you each and every time you insist on stuffing yourself with processed food. This habit really promotes success. This is why throughout this book I attempt to create a real visual of the consequences of your continuing to stuff your self with reversed minerals, processed foods, food additives, hormone residues, antibiotic residues, neurotransmitter disrupters, hormone mimics, inflammatory hand grenades and unnatural gene-splicing technologies contained in GMO foods! From here forward, remember the above potentiators individually and I will just call them by the vernacular of processed food!

Processed food is any food that comes to you in a box, bag, can or from a fast food restaurant. Visualize the gross nature of these additives and the health robbing nature of the nutrients removed. Good health beyond middle-age is not generally possible if you continue to stuff your cells with processed food. It is really this simple truth that underlies the path of your becoming healthy again.

My eating epiphany occurred more than 12 years ago. I recall that day I said to myself with total resolve ‘there is no food that tastes as good as being slender again’! I have kept the 60-pound weight loss off to this day because I escaped the trap. Initially, I cultivated faith in myself to do the right thing moment to moment. After the first thirty days, I recall becoming empowered because I was losing weight and feeling much more alive.

Feeling more alive, bolstered my ability to sustain the effort even though initially my new ‘real food’ diet tasted differently. Looking back on it, real food begins to agree and slowly but surely it becomes the preference. We all lose our way and when we get back up, we realize the real food diet enlivens us and the ‘dead food’ diet weakens us.

Yes, the processed food diet is synonymous with dead food diet. How could it be otherwise once you again review the above list of deficiencies and contaminants provided by this common practice. Any deficiency laden food is truly dead, because it promotes death!


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