Hopefully, you are increasingly aware that plastic residue accumulating inside you would not be in the best interest of a long and healthful lifespan. Today, Nick Norwitz, PhD, popped up on my Twitter feed announcing the recent publication of more than 300 patients undergoing carotid artery repair (endarterectomy). Each of these patients' plaques was analyzed for microplastic content. The patients that contained microplastics in their plaque sample demonstrated a greater than threefold increased likelihood of suffering from a heart attack, stroke, or death in the ensuing 34 months of follow-up!
Now would be a good time to consider the numerous places that you might encounter microplastics that accumulate inside of you, promoting an accelerated risk of heart attack, stroke, and premature death. Beyond the obvious sources like plastic water bottles, plastic touching your food, and especially heating up the food in a microwave, other sources emerge.
A big source of microplastics comes from the food processing itself! A little plastic bag here and there falling into the big vats of industrialized ‘food’. Think of third-world peasants trekking from afar bringing their ‘food’ in for processing at the factory. Another plastic bag here and there. In fact, some alarmed consumer watchdogs like Dr. Shanna Swan proclaim that up to a credit card's worth of plastic is ingested per week by some consumers that prefer processed foods!
Beyond empty calorie syndrome is the co-contributor of industrialized waste coming to you in a box, bag, can, or from a fast-food restaurant. More than 20 years ago in my first book, I wrote about the hormone mimics coming to you in plastic. Fatty food touching the plastic is particularly efficient at transferring its estrogen mimic content. Cooking with Teflon as well seems to contribute, as does Tupperware used for microwaves and serving hot food!
A picture is worth a thousand words, so the saying goes. Visualize all the yuck, besides empty calories and reversed mineral content packaged into processed foods. Now, add in GMOs (not allowed in Russia or Europe), preservatives, flavor-enhancing chemicals in fake food, and industrial wastes, and a bigger sick picture emerges.
The bigger sick picture involves the hoodwinking and grooming of Americans to indulge in a chemical soup that is labeled as food! How do you propose to steer clear of this additional life robbing problem? The only practical answer, I have come to realize is the avoidance of as much processed food as I can!
Is a convenience food habit really worth dying prematurely? Reality says, check the boxes of health habits you are beginning to cultivate. In the long haul, these steps provide distance between you and the ‘Grim Reaper’. So far, the two big habits that will add years to your life are: eliminating empty calorie sources and minimizing exposure to microplastics. Notice that they both come from the same food choices. They all stem from food in a box, bag, can, or from a fast food restaurant!