I discuss in more detail in the inflammation articles for how cancer is promoted in places like your colon when you inadvertently chronically consume foods that you are allergic to. You see, food allergies promote inflammation and most of the time this is a pre-cancerous requirement!
Unfortunately, most of my colleagues still fail to comprehend that it is often IgG antibodies caused by your eating foods for which you are intolerant that causes the chronic inflammation. In fact, I have successfully treated many ulcerative colitis patients simply by identifying and their removing the offending food from their diet! Further support that what I am saying is not just a theory comes from the fact that ulcerative colitis patients have long ago been observed to be at much higher risk of developing colon cancer!
All of the trash removal problems are made worse when certain hormones become deficient in your colon. Your primary hormones for colon health are thyroid, cortisol, IGF-1, and Vitamin A. When any of these become deficient, colon health suffers.
For now, we will focus on one of the ways to promote health which is appropriate Vitamin A consumption. Here is a gallery of 4 foods high in Vitamin A:

Bell Peppers


