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Wasting disease causes your wrinkles

Wrinkles exemplify ‘Hungry Cell Syndrome’

After over 33 years of practicing medicine and studying about the lost science of how your body heals, I have come to realize that much about what we call aging is really just a wasting disease. Your body begins wasting away when your cells remain hungry. Hungry cells cannot repair the damage that life inflicts. Making matters worse if you habitually suffer from an ongoing injury mechanism the lack of repair ability brought on by your hungry cells intensifies! So, the first mechanism of causing hungry cell syndrome occurs when the repair rate ability within your 70 trillion cells subdues (the hormonal deficiencies that allow this are explained below). Thankfully we now know how to reverse and retard this aging process.

In addition, your aging rate is also determined by how fast your body is drying out. It will be explained later that your cells wrinkle for the same reason that an overly ripe piece of fruit shrivels. Yes, the science is all there for why and how to reverse this shriveling process but, until now, it has remained largely ignored. So, the second mechanism of amplifying hungry cells is the diminished ability to retain water that contributes to your wasting away because you are drying out. Thankfully we also know how to reverse and retard this process (explained below).

You could be doing all the above perfectly and still suffer the ravages of wasting and shrinking, caused by hungry cells because no one is helping to ensure your ability to absorb the nutrition prescribed that your body needs to heal itself. So, the third mechanism of promoting hungry cells involves the ongoing lack of absorptive ability in your GI tract or your perpetually making poor nutritional choices. Thankfully we also now know how to heal your absorptive surface and counsel you on what your body needs nutrition wise to heal.

Alternatively, there is also the consideration about one of hungry cell syndromes’ cousin-low cell voltage syndrome that promotes your aging (wrinkles) in a variety of ways. You will never feel well again until this process reverses. So, a fourth mechanism perpetrating hungry cells is when your 70 trillion cells suffer from inadequate voltages. Thankfully, yet again, we now know the science for how to reverse low cell voltage syndrome. 

Inflammation accelerates hungry cell syndrome’s vicious process within your body. You often witness this process when you observe yourself in the mirror finding uneven pigment, red spots, dilated capillaries and rough patches. Food intolerances running down certain family lines are emerging as a major mechanism for promoting this process. Environmental pollution is yet another. In addition, the pathological damage inflicted by both diabetes and heart disease are increasingly linked by their promoting inflammation. Thankfully again by dusting off forgotten science and applying new science, we can reverse and prevent this insidious process. 

Joining into the inflammatory mediated diseases of course are, nearest I can tell, all the autoimmune diseases. These include arthritis, Sojourn’s syndrome, lupus, asthma, MS, Reiter’s syndrome, ulcerative colitis, crohn’s disease, IBS, Myasthenia Gravis, Meinere’s disease, Dermatomyositis, scleroderma, and Temporal arteritis to name just a few of these all too common scourges. The fact that these diseases involve inflammation is obvious to most of my colleagues. However, that specific food intolerances promote the above list of diseases is not commonly appreciated by even the best meaning of my colleagues.

I have found through years of trial and error (it will be explained later), how autoimmune disease occurs when the food intolerance first damages the repair glands (certain hormone secretions) and this sets the stage for the inflammatory event gaining a foothold and thus causing you to suffer from one or more of the above diseases. You see lots of us have food allergies and we are none the wiser. However, if something also damages our repair generating glands, our body cannot keep up with the injury rate (food intolerance inflicted inflammatory damage). So, inflammation can be thought of as promoting the fifth mechanism of causing hungry cells. Thankfully, yet again, we have testing methods and bio-identical hormone replacement protocols that decidedly improve if not cure you from the above list of suffering (explained later).

Just like high performance engines requiring adequate oxygen intake to insure adequate combustion and hence performance so to do your cells require it for the aerobic reactions of life. Here again, respiratory inflammation evidenced by disease like asthma cause your cell furnaces to burn feebly (hungry cells). So lowered oxygen transport describes the sixth cause of hungry cell syndrome leading to your body wasting. Thankfully, yet again, in the vast majority of asthma cases we NOW have the tools to test and then implement healing strategies.

Similarly, also like high performance engines concerns the fact that your 70 trillion cells need a molecular fuel injector before they can uptake fuel from the blood stream. Alternatively, I think of these molecular fuel injectors as ‘fuel nozzles’. Just like your car requiring a nozzle (injector) before it can fill its tank (or inject fuel into its combustion chambers), so to do your body cells require a “nozzle”. But it turns out the true nature for one type of this molecular nozzle seems to be top secret and hence you may be suffering from a wasting disease only because of fuel nozzle (fuel injector) deficits (explained later). So, fuel nozzle (alternatively fuel injectors) deficits describe the seventh mechanism for promoting hungry cell syndrome.

Finally, it is very important that I impress upon you that most cases of obesity involve hungry cells hiding amongst the fat! In these cases, both the liver and fat cells have formed a villainous partnership that allows these cells to hog excessive nutrition while the rest of your body cells remain hungry. It will be explained later how this desperate situation also involves the secret fuel nozzle mentioned above becoming deficient and another ignored hormone becoming excessive (explained later). 

My colleagues describe this form of obesity as metabolic syndrome. They attribute it to insulin resistance but I have discovered it to be nothing more than increased insulin need because the other secret fuel nozzle has become scarce and another mostly ignored hormone becomes excessive. Perpetuating their scientific blind spot here also involves the little appreciated fact that the liver is first in line for any insulin secreted and each of your liver cells contains 200, 000 pure insulin receptors! Making this clearly tragic the more insulin your liver encounters the more sugar converts into fat where it is packaged in a way destined for the both the fat cells and macrophage cells that line your arteries!

However, I have discovered how to reverse this process if you are willing to commit to my protocols. So, for now wait for the explanation for the seven ways that your cells become hungry involving; 1) hormone deficiencies and excesses, 2) water escaping, 3) inflammation, 4) low cell voltage, (5 poor nutrition absorption and/or poor food choices, 6) poor oxygen intake, 7) fuel uptake into your cell deficits secondary to your suffering from a deficiency of a secret hormone. The overwhelming good news involves the fact that through careful attention to reversing these seven processes you will again gain your vitality and become free of these types of disease.

Good luck!


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